TXDMV: 009083088C
US DOT #3269756


Home - Hiring

Applying for the position of Driver / Helper

    Applying for the position ofDriverHelper

    Name and Address

    First Name *

    Middle Name

    Last Name *

    Street Address *

    ZIP code

    Phone Number *

    Age *

    Email *

    Job Type

    Days/hours available to workI have no preference.MonTueWedThuFriSatSun

    I am Seeking a: *Full Time JobPart Time JobFull or Part Time Job

    How many hours can you work weekly

    Can you work nights?YesNo

    Date available to begin

    Additional Information

    Have you worked for Bantu Mover in the past?YesNo

    I certify that I am a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or a foreign national with aurhorization to work in the United States.YesNo

    Have you ever been convicted of, or entered a plea of guilty, no contest, or had a withheld judgment to a felony?YesNo

    If yes please explain

    Do you have a driver's license?YesNo

    Driver's license number

    Issued in what state?

    Have you had any accidents during the past three years?YesNo

    How many?

    Have you had any moving violations during the past three years?YesNo

    How many?

    Work Experience

    Do you have any moving experience?YesNo

    Last Company you worked for

    Supervisor Name

    Hours per Week


    City, State and Zip Code

    Start Date

    End Date

    Starting Paid

    End Paid

    Phone Number

    Your last job title

    Reason for Leaving (be specific)

    List duties performed, skills used or learned, advancements or promotions while you worked at this company.

    May we contact this employer?YesNo

    *I certify that all answers and statements on this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that, should this application contain any false or misleading information, my application may be rejected.